School GDPR
Our GDPR Commitment
Prior to utilising Mark Mate and considering potential integration with your school's Management Information System (MIS) such as Sims or Pupil Tracker, we prioritise clarity on how your data is managed.
We kindly request your thorough review of the following information before consenting to the processing of your data and acknowledging our terms & conditions. Please proceed to the form at the bottom of this page for confirmation.

WONDE Integration Explained
Mark Mark has the ability to integrate with your school’s existing MIS system using an API system called Wonde.
As part of our relationship with Wonde, Mark Mate is only able to access specific areas of your school’s data that are needed for our application to function correctly.
These specific areas will be outlined clearly during the Wonde approval process.
WONDE Data Explained
Assessment Template Read
What Is It?
Teachers have the ability to input their assessment data directly into a ‘Mark Sheet’ via their MIS . Each ‘Mark Sheet’ is created from a master ‘Template’ which outlines the specific ‘Aspects’ of data that are going to be collected within the ‘Mark Sheet’
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
To be able to provide each teacher with their ‘Mark Sheets’ within Mark Mate, we have to access the master ‘Template’ to identify which ‘Aspects’ of data are needed to ensure our spreadsheet overview matches how it is displayed via the MIS’s internal system.
Assessment Result Read
What Is It?
‘Assessment Result’ data relates to any individual assessment grade or result that a teacher has made via the school’s MIS.
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
This allows us to display any previous results that have been given to the students and to display this information to the teachers within their ‘Mark Sheet’
Assessment Mark Sheet Read
What Is It?
Assessment ‘Mark Sheet’ is the individual input sheets located in your MIS that are in turn allocated to each teacher. A Mark Sheet is where your teachers will input their assessment data for students.
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
We allow teachers to link any piece of work they mark directly to a ‘Marksheet’ within your MIS. We need to make sure that we are only displaying individual teachers’ ‘Mark Sheets’ when they login to their account. These ‘Mark Sheets’ are directly linked to the individual ‘Aspects’, ‘Classes’, ‘Groups’ and ‘Teachers’.
Assessment Result Set Read
What Is It?
A ‘Result Set’ is a collection of results that have been recorded within your MIS. These can be grouped by date or specific assessment.
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
Mark Mate allows teachers to collect assessment data each time they mark a piece of work. By relating their assessment data to a ‘Result Set’ they can group their pieces of work to create a bank of evidence for a date or term specific criteria.
Assessment Read
What Is It?
‘Assessment’ data relates to any individual assessment point that a teacher has made via the school’s MIS.
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
Mark Mate needs to know which ‘Assessment’ data is current and relating to pieces of work for different times of the year. By ensuring access to ‘Assessment’ data, we make sure that Mark Mate is displaying time relevant data.
Assessment Aspect Read
What Is It?
Assessment ‘Aspects’ are the fields of data that are stored in your MIS in relation to students’ previous attainment. The ‘Aspect’ is the container for results given by the teacher.
Why Does Mark Mate Need It?
We allow teachers to link any piece of work they mark directly to a ‘Marksheet’ within your MIS system. Teachers are then able to view, as a group, pieces of work that they have marked on Mark Mate that have assessment objectives linked to specific “Marksheets”. The ‘Marksheet’ is built up of many ‘Aspects’ which form the column headings within the Mark Mate application.
Standalone Account
If you decide to not integrate Mark Mate with your school MIS system, data will need to be added manually by the teachers in your school. It is also worth noting that Non-MIS School accounts have limited assessment functionality and monitoring due to a different back-end setup.
Below, you will find a brief explanation of every area of data that we will be collecting from your teachers. If you have any questions relating to this, please Contact Us.
What Data Is Created During Use?
Work Data
Every time a teacher uses Mark Mate to mark work, they will need to create the ‘Piece of Work’ within our platform. This gives the piece of work a title and unlimited numbers of assessment objectives associated to the piece of work.
Assessment Data
Teachers can assess their pupils’ attainment for each piece of work that they mark. This attainment record is stored alongside the pupil name and comments given for that piece of work. This can be accessed through the assessment overview.
Feedback Data
Mark Mate stores every comment teachers make to students alongside the result for that particular piece of work. This enables teachers to re-visit any comments that have been made for evidence building.
Teacher Data
Teacher information is required for the personalisation of areas of Mark Mate including the printed feedback and email reports. We require a teacher’s email address, names and title.
Student Data
To enabled teacher to correctly identify their students we require both a first and last name to be stored in our system. It is possible for Non-MIS schools to customise this to initials only.
Data Security Processes
Service Provided
Our main application is provided through load balanced severs, ensuring that uptime is not interrupted during peak use times. We take daily ‘Snapshots’ of our server which can be started at any point.
All data is stored in an Amazon Web Service data centre based in the UK.
Perimeter Layer – 24/7 Security Guarded Location / Razor Fencing / Intrusion Detection Technology
Infrastructure Layer – Back-up power / Fire Suppression
Data Layer – Restricted Biometric Access / Threat detection devices & system protocols
We employ 2 levels of data backup to cover both application and database data. All database data is backed up nightly on a separate server. All data is encrypted using AES 256 bit algorithm. Our main application is backed up once a week to the same backup server. All backups are kept on a 7 day rolling basis.